Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Accident Statistics
Those who choose to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated are not only taking their own lives in their hands, but are putting the lives of other innocent people on the line. What are the drunk driving statistics for Pennsylvania?
Drinking and driving is a top safety issue in Pennsylvania. Consider the 2017 DWI crashes that increased from 10,256 in 2016 to 10,346 in 2017. Despite that dismal news, there is the encouraging fact that alcohol-related deaths dropped from 297 in 2016 to 293 in 2017. However, those numbers are still too high. In 2017, DWI deaths represented 26 percent of the total traffic deaths.
The numbers show that drinking drivers under the age of 21 are a cause for concern. In fact, 18 percent of the deaths were in the 16-20 years old age bracket. In 2016, the number of deaths as a result of DWI was at 12 percent. The 21 to 25 year old slot in 2017 revealed that 31 percent of the deaths were a result of drinking and driving. In 2016 the percentage in this group was 29 percent.
Even with relatively aggressive law enforcement and educational drunk driving campaigns the number of deaths as a result of someone DWI are shocking. For instance, in 2017, in Pennsylvania:
- 293 died in alcohol-related wrecks
- Roughly 28 alcohol-involved crashes happen every day
- Approximately 0.8 people were fatally injured in drunken driving crashes every day
- Roughly 18 people died every day in alcohol-related accidents
- 74 percent of those who chose to drink and drive ending up in an accident were male
- 71 percent of the deadly crashes typically happened later at night and mostly on weekends
- 88 percent of occupant deaths (passengers and drivers) were in a vehicle being driven by the person driving while impaired and 76 percent of the deaths were the drivers themselves